In the wake of recent bombings in Boston and beyond, this show takes on sex vs. violence, love vs. war and terror tactics vs The Bonobo Way. The bonobos, aka the Make Love Not War chimpanzees, our closest evolutionary relatives, have so much to teach us about our potential for peace and the value of sex. But when we say “value” here in Bonoboville, we’re not talking about “family values,” at least not the family values that all these hypocritical, Bible-thumping, drone-driving, woman-hating, crony-loving chickenhawks squawk about. We’re talking about sexual values…
Featuring: Amor Hilton, Jello Shots LA aka Bonoboville Jello Shots, Lexy Rose, Liliana, Livia Godiva, Moe The Monster, Nathanial John, Tom Quinn, Tori TaylorLength: 1:49:45 Date: April 27, 2013 In the wake of recent bombings in Boston and beyond, this show takes on sex vs. violence, love vs. war and terror tactics vs The Bonobo Way. The bonobos, aka the Make Love Not War chimpanzees, our closest evolutionary relatives, have so much to teach us about our potential for peace and the value of sex. But when we say “value” here in Bonoboville, we’re not talking about “family values,” at least not the family values that all these hypocritical, Bible-thumping, drone-driving, woman-hating, crony-loving chickenhawks squawk about. We’re talking about sexual values…
Featuring: Aaliyah Love, Amor Hilton, Jello Shots LA aka Bonoboville Jello Shots, Lexy Rose, Liliana, Livia Godiva, Moe The Monster, Nathanial John, Tom Quinn, Tori Taylor