by Dr. Susan Block We skipped the screwed-up Oscars for that branch of the Entertainment Industry that shows people getting screwed in a good way. While the Academy’s grand “Best Picture” winner announcement was being monumentally flubbed by pompous Price-Waterhouse-Coopers accountants (or maybe hacked by the Russians?) in #Envelopegate, the stars of the Golden Age of Adult Cinema, produced by theatrical impresario David Bertolino, performed their show about the bawdy “backside” of Old Hollywood with grace, humor, no embarrassing flubs and a refreshingly mature sexuality.
Featuring: Annie Sprinkle, Dr. Beth Stephens, Ginger Lynn, Gypsy, Jacquie Blu, Kelly Nichols, Lily Cade, Melissa Hill, Nicholas Tana, Nick Santa Maria, Penny Antine, Penny Antine, Rhonda Jo Petty, Serena, Tom Byron, Veronica Hart, a.k.a Jane HamiltonRecorded at the Hollywood Show
Featuring: Kelly Nichols