by Dr. Susan Block. Funny how the last Saturday of Masturbation Month always falls in the middle of Memorial Day Weekend. How can such strange bedfellows coexist? Manhandle those hot dogs, boys! Mash those potatoes, ladies! Memorial Day signifies the start of summer, heating up with sexy fun and the sizzling smell of fresh barbeque. Of course, Memorial Day is also a requiem for the dead—the people who have been barbequed in America’s Perma-Wars. The American dead, that is. The other dead can get their own goddamn holiday, right? Memorial Day is for America’s dead soldiers. We are the Masturbation Nation serving the multi-nation corporations. And so, on this solemn sunny weekend, we salute the troops who have given the ultimate gift—their precious lives—for this corporation we call our nation. We appreciate their service, that is, the risk they take in the lottery known as the U.S. Armed Forces; join up and spin the roulette wheel to see if you wind up with veterans’ benefits or your head blown off!
Featuring: Ana, Maya Goddess, Shannon Sweet